Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Saints Row 2 Technically Legal Strip Club Massacre

In yet another narcissistic video of a character that looks kind of like I play the mission where you punish strip club customers for violation the no touching rule at the "Technically Legal" gentlemen's club.

Saints Row 2 Mock Virginia Tech Massacre

Saints Row 2 re-creates Cho Seung-Hui the South Korean man who killed 32 people at Virginia Tech University on April 16, 2007 with 2 Glock Handguns (pistols). This video shows a character that looks just like him down to the very clothes he was wearing during the massacre that he sent photo's of to NBC news just before he went into a dorm to shoot a girl that rejected him followed by a storming of the engineering building. Except this time it is on the virtual campus of Stillwater University. I hope all of you have as much fun watching this as I did making it.

9/11 As It Happened to Piss People Off On You Tube

In this video our Middle Eastern Arab Muslim looking terrorist takes off in his own private jet aircraft from the airport and crashes it suicide bomber style into the tallest building in the city that towers over Stillwater the way the Sears Tower towers over Chicago and the way the World Trade Center towered over New York City on September 11, 2001.

Rihanna Look Alike Decapitated

In this cut scene Rihanna look alike Aisha has her head cut off by Japanese gangsters and her boyfriend Johnny Gat is impaled by a Samurai sword much to the dislike of the main character modeled myself of course.

Saints Row 2 Sunshine Shot Dead

In this scene Sunshine if shot to death and decapitated by the main character modeled after myself in a business suit. Its the final mission with Sunshine somewhere near the end of the game.

Saints Row 2 Tweaker Zombie Shootout

In this scene tweaker zombies are dealt with by the main character modeled after myself wearing a business suit that I wore on the news one time.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Saints Row 2 Body Guard Dog Bounty Hunter

The video game version of Dog the Bounty Hunter AKA Duane "Dog" Chapman being hired as a security guard for celebrities and having to deal with crazy fans.